Jury - FAQs
Jury Service Information & FAQs
Click on the topics and FAQs below for more information.
Sources For Selection Of Jurors: CCP §197(a) and (b) Reads in Part: "All persons selected for jury service shall be selected at random, from a source or sources inclusive of a representative cross section of the population of the area served by the court. The list of registered voters and the Department of Motor Vehicles' list of licensed drivers and identification cardholders resident within the area served by the court, are appropriate source lists for selection of jurors. Persons from these sources may be mailed a questionnaire to determine qualifications and ability to serve as a prospective trial juror."
The Butte County Superior Courts Have Initiated a "One Day, One Trial" Policy: This policy states that once you have appeared at the courthouse for jury selection (whether or not you are selected to serve as a trial juror) you will not be summoned again for at least one year. If you are chosen as a trial juror, you will not be summoned again for at least two years. Most prospective jurors serve only one day (the day for which they are summoned). It is possible that you may need to be here until 5:00 p.m. You may want to bring something to occupy your time.
Request For Postponement Of Jury Service: Requests for postponement may be made in writing, by phone, or online. If you are requesting a postponement in writing please include your bar code number (located on your summons beneath the court's return address) and any dates that you are unavailable for jury service to ensure another conflicting date will not be assigned. If you are requesting a postponement by phone please be prepared to give the jury staff your bar code number and have your unavailable dates at hand. We actively try to accommodate prospective jurors and can, within reason, allow you to select your own service date in an attempt to minimize any inconvenience jury service may cause you. If time permits, you will be notified by mail whether your request has been granted or denied. It is your responsibility to confirm whether you need to report for jury service.
To request an excuse of your jury service online, have your jury badge number and birth date available and click here.
Request For Excuse of Jury Service: Medical excuses may be submitted in writing but may only be granted upon receipt of a supporting statement from your doctor/physician. All other requests to be excused must be made on your summons date, in person to the judge in the courtroom to which you are assigned, or online. The judge, when selecting jurors in the courtroom on the day of trial, does take into further consideration the personal and financial impact that a lengthy trial may have and considers "hardship" excuses at that time. If you have transportation difficulties, you may wish to contact the Butte County Transit Office at (530) 809-4616.
Please note that CCP§204(a) reads in part: "No eligible person shall be exempt from service as a trial juror by reason of occupation, economic status, or any characteristic listed or defined in Section 11135 of the Government Code, or for any other reason."
To request an excuse of your jury service online, have your jury badge number and birth date available and click here.
Please Bring Your Summons With You On Your Appearance Date. Upon your arrival please check in with staff located in the Office of The Jury Commissioner. Throughout the day, jury staff will be randomly selecting jurors and assigning them to a particular case and courtroom. If your group is selected, you will be given further instructions as to where to go and what to do. If a Judge releases you from a case you may be instructed to return to the jury assembly room. Your name may be put back into the random pool for assignment to another case for that day.
Jurors are not compensated for the first day of service. Jurors will be paid a fee of $15.00 a day and mileage from their home to the courthouse and back beginning the second day of service, except when the juror is employed by a federal, state, or local government entity, or by any other public entity as defined by Section 481.200 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
Reimbursement is available for either mileage or public transportation, but not both.
Standard mileage is automatically credited based on your zip code. A sign will be posted regarding the standard mileage. If your mileage varies from this standard, of if you have name or address change, please inform the jury commissioner staff at check in. Any changes we make affect only your current juror record. You will need to update your personal information with the Registrar of Voters and/or Department of Motor Vehicles.
Jurors may seek compensation for the use of public transportation up to a daily maximum of twelve dollars ($12) by requesting a reimbursement form from the Jury Commissioner’s office at either courthouse. To access the B-Line bus schedule and route information click here.
Group Numbers: The Butte County Superior Court utilizes "Group Numbers" in order to efficiently process jurors both before and during their service. Each Group consists of approximately 20 jurors (randomly assigned by the Jury computer). Group Numbers are assigned when a Summons is issued, and are indicated on the front of each juror's summons. Postponement (rescheduling) of service may alter a juror's Group Number. By identifying jurors by Group, we can quickly direct large numbers of people to different locations and/or provide them with appearance information without requiring that each juror be personally identified.
Labor Code Section 230(a) States, Jury Service: Notice To Employer: Right To Time Off: "No employer shall discharge or in any manner discriminate against an employee for taking time off to serve as required by law on an inquest jury or trial jury, if such employee, prior to taking such time off, gives reasonable notice to the employer that he/she is required to serve."
Courthouse Security: All persons, purses, and packages entering the courthouse are screened for weapons. All knives and guns are prohibited. All forms of tear gas and pepper spray are prohibited in the building, even with a permit. Items such as shears, metal knitting needles, carpet knives, chains over 6 inches in length or any other instrument which could be used as a weapon are also prohibited. You will be asked to remove your shoes during screening if you wear shoes with steel in them, such as steel-toe boots.
If your address has changed and you no longer reside within Butte County you can request to be excused. If your address has changed and you still reside within Butte County you can update your address online. Have your jury badge number and birth date available and click here.