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Traffic School

About Traffic School

Pursuant to Vehicle Code 42005(a)(1), drivers driving a commercial vehicle as defined in subdivision (b) of the Vehicle Code section 15210 are prohibited from attending traffic school and having the violation reported as a 'confidential conviction'.

If you have a valid driver's license and the alleged violation is a vehicle code infraction, you may be eligible to attend traffic school. Traffic school is a course that helps traffic violators become more aware of California laws. DMV will only suppress one moving violation from your record within an 18-month period. This 18-month period is calculated from violation date to violation date and not from the date of traffic school attendance. If you are eligible and decide not to attend traffic school, your automobile insurance may be adversely affected.

To attend traffic school, you must pay a non-refundable traffic school fee equal to the citation bail amount plus an additional $52.00 to the Court (VC 42007.1). The schools are private businesses and will also charge an additional fee for the course.

If one of the criteria listed below applies, you do not qualify and the Court Clerk cannot grant Traffic School:

  • You have previously attended traffic school within the last 18 months of the alleged violation date.
  • The alleged violation involves alcohol or drug possession.
  • You have failed to appear pursuant to Vehicle Code section 40508(a) or Penal Code section 1214.1.
  • The alleged violation carries more than one point count pursuant to Vehicle Code section 12810.

Search for a Traffic Violator School Provider (including Home Study and Online Traffic Schools).


When you have completed Traffic School, the Traffic School will provide the completion certificate to the Court.

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