Civil, Probate, and Family Matters
Remote appearances are generally authorized pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §§ 367.75, 367.76, and California Rule of Court (CRC), Rule 3.672.
All requests for a remote appearance are subject to the noticing requirements below. Notice to parties must be provided for each hearing unless a notice for remote appearances for the duration of a case or a waiver of notice by stipulation has been made, pursuant to CRC, Rule 3.672(f). Regardless of such notice or waiver in place, parties must still notify CourtCall or the Court (for Zoom) so the proper remote arrangements can be made.
Telephonic Appearances
The court offers telephonic appearances via CourtCall. Written notice is not required. The court will be made aware of a telephonic appearance when parties present themselves orally at the time of the hearing and are not required to provide advance notice.
To get started, contact CourtCall via phone at 1-(888)-882-6878 and be prepared to provide your name, case number, date and time of hearing, and the name of the Judicial Officer assigned to the hearing.
Video Appearances
To request a video appearance via Zoom, the following requirements must be met:
- Parties must file and serve a Notice of Remote Appearance (RA-010) within the following timelines:
- For all hearings, except as outlined below: five (5) court days before the hearing.
- For evidentiary hearings or small claims trials: at least ten (10) court days before the hearing.
- In response, the other party(ies) may file and serve an Opposition to Remote Proceedings at Evidentiary Hearing or Trial (RA-015) at least five (5) court days before the proceeding.
- Parties should also file a proposed Order Regarding Remote Appearance (RA-020) with the court along with the RA-010.
If the video appearance is approved, the court will notify parties to provide the Zoom meeting information for the video appearance.
If the video appearance is denied, the court will notify parties by mailing the RA-020 to the address on file.