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Criminal and Traffic Matters

The Court may authorize remote appearances by video or telephone in select circumstances and certain proceedings pursuant to Penal Code § 977.3. If you are an individual represented by an attorney, please contact your attorney before requesting a remote appearance. Please submit your request for a remote appearance as indicated below.

Telephonic Appearances

To request a phone appearance, please call the Butte County Superior Court, Criminal Division at (530) 532-7011. The Clerk’s Office will notify you of the decision after Judicial review via phone.

If the telephonic appearance is approved, contact CourtCall via phone at 1-(888)-882-6878 and be prepared to provide your name, case number, date and time of hearing, and the name of the Judicial Officer assigned to the hearing.

Video Appearances

To request a video appearance via Zoom, parties must file a written request or motion at least five (5) court days before the hearing. Parties may also use the court’s Request for Remote Appearance and Order (GR.060) form.

If the video appearance is approved, the court will notify parties to provide the Zoom meeting information for the video appearance.

If the video appearance is denied, the court will notify parties.

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