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Going to Court Remotely

Butte County Superior Court offers remote appearances by video through Zoom or phone through CourtCall.

For all matters, if a video appearance is authorized, the Court will schedule the video conference and provide connection information to involved parties and/or attorneys.

All rules of courtroom civility and decorum apply to a remote appearance. It is the sole responsibility of the party appearing remotely to ensure they have sufficient internet speed and/or connectivity as well as an appropriate location with no background noises or disruptions.

For more information on remote appearances, review Local Court Rule 1.10 (pdf)

Going to Court Remotely via Video Conference

Please review the video below for important information about going to court remotely via video conference. 

Remote Appearances FAQs

No. Pursuant to the Court's Local Rules (1.10), advance notice and approval is required for remote appearances and links will not be provided the same day as your hearing. Please ensure you have properly set up your remote appearance in advance of your hearing.

You should always join the Zoom meeting or call CourtCall by the allotted start time unless Court staff have provided you with other instructions. A good practice would be to join 5 to 10 minutes early to ensure there aren’t any connectivity issues.

Yes, a new notice or request is required for every hearing unless the judge explicitly approves it in open court.

In any case, a new Zoom link or CourtCall meeting is required for each new hearing or continuance, so you will need to contact the Court for a video appearance via Zoom or contact CourtCall to schedule a new telephonic appearance.

The court is unable to troubleshoot technical issues regarding Zoom or CourtCall. Please review the following guides for specific information:

CourtCall User Guide / CourtCall Help Center

Zoom User Guide  / Zoom Help Center

If technical difficulties may result in a delay or impact to your timely appearance during your hearing, contact the Court immediately, as failing to appear at your hearing may result in adverse action.

Please enter both your first and last name when joining the meeting. It is highly encouraged to also include your case number.

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